TableCurve 2D 5.0
Curve fitting
- Full 32-bit performance
- Multitasking with 17 background thread curve-fit options
- Advanced online help system
- Drag and drop files for immediate fitting
- Fully customizable 2D graphs
- Smooth bitmap rendering of graphs
- XY meter in graphs displays cursor coordinates
- Global Reset options to undo all changes made to the data table*
Data Input
- Up to 65,536 points in data table*
- 16.4 million points can be filtered into table using averaging digital import filter
- File types: ASCII, Excel (all versions through Excel 2000)*, Lotus, Quattro Pro, SigmaPlot, SPSS, dBase, DIF, Binary
- Graphical XY column selection
- Weights or standard deviations optionally assigned
- Compare up to five data sets*
- Automatically process replicate data sets
Data Management
- Real-time smoothing with FFT, Loess, Savitzky-Golay, Gaussian Convolution, Eigendecomposition and Kaiser-Bessel time-domain smoothing* procedures
- Real-time Fourier domain editing with exact-N FFT; data tapering
- Eigendecomposition filtering to isolate components based on signal strength*
- Graphical and numerical sectioning; graphically enable or disable data points
- First and second order analytic derivatives for all built-in equations*
- Multiple curve-fit references on a single graph (up to 4 references)*
- Apply calculations to X, Y and Weight values
- Spreadsheet-like data editing with optional graphing of data as they are entered
Output and Export
- Publication quality printed graphs with full print preview
- Image formats include bitmaps, metafiles, enhanced metafiles and device independent bitmaps
- File formats include ASCII, Excel, Lotus, SigmaPlot and Harvard Graphics Professional reports with MS Word or RTF export that includes graphs and numeric results; available for all major procedures*
- Graphs can be half or full page, landscape or portrait mode all in a single document*
Equation Discovery and Curve Fitting :
- 3,656 built-in equations
- 3,205 mixed basis function linear
- Even order and half order polynomials
- 18 Chebyshev polynomials
- 17 High-precision polynomials (fitted to 38 digits precision)
- 10 Fourier-series polynomials
- 57 standard, ln x, sqrt even, y-transformed, even order, and half order rationals
- 17 Chebyshev rationals
- 17 High-precision rationals (fitted to 38 digits precision)
- 5 Fourier-series rationals
- 36 Constrained (no singularity) non-linearly fit SVD rationals
- 74 nonlinear peak equations
- 29 nonlinear transition equations
- 58 nonlinear kinetic equations
- 13 nonlinear waveform and miscellaneous equations
- Rapid searching, sorting and filtering of equations
- User customizable equation sets
- Full control of fit process, including goodness of fit criteria, matrix methods, minimization, and other options
- AI Expert for automatic selection of peak, transition or kinetic models to be fitted
- Three robust fitting methods available for all non-linear equations, user functions and external C/Fortran functions
Prediction Methods *
- State-of-the-art Autoregressive procedures for forward/backward predictions/extrapolations.
- 9 different procedures - 3 to predict ahead, 3 to predict earlier data, and 3 that predict in both directions.
- In-situ noise removal using advanced SVD and Eigendecomposition methods
- View complex roots, order selection criteria, singular values, residuals and numeric summaries
- AR filter code generation is supported in all languages, plus export filter to disk
User-Defined Functions (UDFs)
- UDF editor with push button help for inserting functions
- UDFs automatically compiled for speed
- Up to 15 UDFs can be fit at one time, each with up to 10 adjustable parameters
- Graphical UDF adjustment procedure for refining starting estimates
- UDFs can be saved as libraries
External 32-bit DLL User Defined Functions
- Up to 100 external Fortran or C fitting functions with optional constraints
- Fortran requires MS Fortran Powerstation v4+ C requires MS Visual C++ v4+ or Borland C++ v4.5+
- Select all, none or specific equations
Non-Parametric Fitting
- Spline estimation, including least-squares B-splines and NURBS (non-uniform rational B-splines)
- Smoothing spline estimation, including first through sixth derivatives
- Local regression estimation
Estimation and Interpolation
- Eight spline procedures*, 3 interpolation and 5 smoothing* including NURBS and least-squares B-splines with fixed, optimized, or user-specified knots*
- Local regression spline estimation; 1st and 2nd derivatives*
- Savitzky-Golay spline estimation; accurate derivatives orders 1-8; filter coefficients*
- Fourier Interpolation; derivatives orders 1-4;*
- Directly specify and plot output for all Estimation procedures*
Curve-Fit Analysis and Output
- Evaluation option with automated table generation, includes function, derivatives, roots and cumulative area
- Full numeric and statistical summary, including coefficients, standard error, confidence limits, ANOVA, goodness of fit, measured function and derivative minima and maxima, and poles reported for rational functions
- Data summary with predicted values, residuals and confidence/prediction limits
- Precision summary and term significance analysis
- Curve-fit graph with zoom-out, customizable layout, labels, grids, scaling, points, font, titles and resolution
- Confidence/prediction intervals (90, 95, 99, 99.9 and 99.99 percent)
- Error bars for replicate-based data
- Residuals graphs, separate or on Y2 axis of curve-fit graph, including bar graphs, histogram, and stabilized normal probability plot for assuring normality of residuals
- Copy numerical data for any graph to clipboard as a spreadsheet block
- Latent point processing enables disabling of outliers during equation inspection